Sunday, March 21, 2010

shearing day... and a surprise

Today was shearing day, and although all went well and we are thrilled to be done for another year, I am absolutely wiped. I had my camera in my pocket but as usual I was so caught up in all that was happening and all that needed to be done (mostly sheep hooves to be trimmed), that I forgot to take pictures. Luckily my friend Joanne thought to ask me for my camera and walked around taking pictures for me.

Hoyt his usual amazing job, plus tutored a new shearer in the art of removing wool well.

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We had two extra boys on hand from the 4-H club. They were amazingly helpful and made our day so much easier with their ability to catch and move animals around. They may become an indispensible part of the day...

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... much like our own personal chapter of the ISPSPP,* who were pleased to enjoy an upgrade in conditions from their usual cramped quarters in the barn to the driveway instead. What a beautiful day we had, especially in contrast to last weekend.

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And now I am so tired just thinking about all we did that my update on our little surprise will have to wait for tomorrow.

* International Society of Professional Sheep Poop Pickers


  1. Lucky you! We are shearing today we hope. The troops are carrying on in the barn because they had to stay in overnight.
    Wish I had all those young strong backs!!

  2. What kind of sheep are they Kris? Cormo? Would love to try some!! Do you sell fleeces or keep it for yourself to spin? megan @ frasers . org
