Wednesday, March 9, 2011

no passport required

We went on a trip last night...

Your eyes are not deceiving you -- that's the bottom of the Eiffel Tower! We went to Paris, in springtime!

Or maybe the Philadelphia Flower Show, thanks to my generous parents. We didn't even have to leave the country, though we did leave the state... and I bet it had more flowers than Paris.

This was one of the wonderful carousel animals at the bottom of the tower. In the background you can see the ostrich (left) and lion (right). They were some of the best parts of the show.

I loved the gates on this display... and the way they used paintings instead of the more traditional pools of water.

I also loved this little duck sculpture.

Looking back at my post from last year, there wasn't anything quite as spectacular and the displays weren't quite as inspired but... it was a much needed breath of fresh spring air. It invoked lovely thoughts of the days of lettuce to come, and best of all:

We were able to tell Primo that we had taken him to Paris without having to spring for intercontinental airfare for five people.


  1. Ahhhhh....just when we think we can't take another day of winter, comes the Philadelphia Flower Show! Love your photos.

    Love the new wee lamb. Good job Hermione!

  2. Thanks for the photos. It definitely made me smile!
