Monday, August 13, 2012

cucumber tomato salad

Our garden is producing little else than cucumbers and giant zucchini (can't seem to catch them at the small stage). Oh, and lots and lots of green tomatoes. That's what I get for planting a garden in the middle of June.

What to do with a ton of cucumbers? Make cucumber tomato salad, of course, using fresh tomatoes from the gardens of wiser farmers.

This salad is utterly simplistic but still deserves a shout-out this time of year.

Start with good olive oil and balsamic vinegar, in a 2-to-1 ratio. About 1/3 C olive oil and 1/6 C vinegar is a good start. The veggies add their own juice. Beat with a fork, and add some sea salt for flavoring. That's all the flavor you'll need.

The salad is best if the seeds are removed from the cucumbers. Chop into half-inch cubes, and mix into the dressing so the cucumbers can start to absorb the oil and vinegar.

No substitute for a fresh Jersey tomato, ripe off the vine... Chop in the same size pieces as the cucumbers, and mix in. I try for an even ratio of cucumbers to tomatoes.

The salad isn't very photogenic, so you'll have to take my word that what it's lacking in visuals, it makes up for in taste.

You can let it set in the fridge, or eat it fresh. I think it is even better the next day. When you are done with the salad, don't throw away the leftover dressing! It makes a great meat marinade.

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